Women with peri and menopause symptoms don’t require endless leave entitlements.
Attention, offices around the world! Women with symptoms don’t require endless leave entitlements. We can assure you as women who know what they’re on about, we don’t want to burden you by creating added expenditure headaches.
Those suffering just need their managers to make some tiny-but-mighty tweaks to the professional environment they spend much of their week operating within.
The result? Game-changing wins for businesses.
Here, the top five reasons every workplace should be equipped with newfound knowledge and empathy…
1. Sick days will drop
Yes, truly. Women will feel comfortable, hence more motivated to perform amid hot flushes causing them to sweat like Rafeal Nedal in a fifth-setter.
2. Staff retention will improve
And with that comes another bonus – the cost of recruitment will drop. What would your bottom line (and diary) look like without the need to hunt down fresh talent, interview and rehire every few months?
3. A culture of inclusivity, acceptance and equality will take shape
Honest conversation is contagious, and so is kindness. Once your team can fully appreciate what life looks and feels like for women in the thick of Peri and Menopause, I guarentee that understanding will morph into compassion in no time.
4. Employment law issues will arise less often
While there aren’t any specific health and safety obligations placed on employers in relation to Menopausal employees, there are pretty obvious risks associated. As a boss, you should be taking proactive steps to support these women so you can mitigate the risk of claims. The simplest solution? Buy our course!
5. Stigma surrounding Peri and Menopause will be stripped away
Silence and awkwardness is bound to be replaced with empathy, support and curiosity if everyone in the workplace is comfortable speaking about these tricky health issues. And doesn’t that sound freaking refreshing?