Report back from the Australasian Menopause Society meeting in Queenstown 2023

4 September 2023

So I just got back from Queenstown- no I wasn’t skiing! I was there to attend the Scientific congress of the Australasian Menopause Society. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole year since both Shelly and I were in Cairns for the same meeting to learn. This time I flew the flag for Don’t Sweat It while Shelly was hard at work back home in Australia. And it was a chance to meet up with our #periposse- the girls in our peri and menopause Whatsapp group. Who were by the way the last ones kicked off the dance floor from the Saturday night gala dinner. By the way- nobody in New Zealand knows about the Nutbush!!!! True story!! They were gobsmacked by 100 daggy Aussie docs line dancing to Tina!!!

Moving on, this year the President of the International Menopause Society Professor Nick Panay (menopause royalty!) was out. Not only was he presenting (and he is a fabulous presenter) but also to scope out Melbourne as this city is hosting the IMS congress next year.

As usual the sessions were incredible. I wanted just to talk about 2 that I found quite mind blowing. The first was by Professor Belinda Beck from Griffith University who presented frankly mind blowing data about exercise for not just bone health but for reducing the symptoms of menopause, (not just hot flushes but mood issues too!) and  for growing your spine (these midlife women grew taller!!) The programme is called Onero and there are heaps of accredited gym doing the program. There is also an online home exercise program available.  It is a two-year progressive exercise program that targets muscle strength, mobility, balance and bone health. For approximately $5 a week, you can learn how to improve balance, prevent falls and learn correct bone-loading techniques. Check out

WE also had a lecture about cannabis use for menopause symptoms. In one Canadian study 34% of women with symptoms had used it. In the US that number was 86.1%!!!!!!!!! Mostly for insomnia, anxiety and aches and pains. Did it work? Well 74% of the Canadians and 84% of the Americans said yes. We were then treated to a VERY detailed look at exactly how the endocannabinoid system of the brain and body play a role in the typical symptoms of menopause. And THAT is why so many companies are looking to bring menopause specific cannabis products to market here in Australia. And let’s just say the talk over lunch and tea breaks suggests your docs are VERY open to it!! I was actually surprised!

Most positive of all? We had 550 people come to this meeting and it sold out so quickly. Many were there for the first time. Doctors are working out the importance of menopause and learning how to treat it better. That’s got to be a win for women!

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